Objects of Affection 

Objects of Affection

Ceramic and Wire

9.5” X 30” x 12” 

I always have to much to carry. Notes and my keys are always finding a way to slip away. I really can get too attached to most of my possessions I've collected, as they tend to disappear and reappear as they chose. 

The action of collecting and keeping small things together reminds me of identity. Things can change depending on where one is at in life, what is kept and valued is different for each person and sometimes we hold on to things that aren't ours to carry. What is kept my purse is what suits me in this moment, my memories and my worries. What others hold is what suits them, there is no one way to be a woman, embrace femininity, or be a person.

"Every artist knows that he is engaged in an encounter with infinity and that work is done with heart and hand is ultimately the worship of Life itself. 

The Unknown Craftsmen

Process Photos